This week in Social Studies, we read about different groups. We found out we each belong to lots of different groups, like our classroom, our neighborhood, soccer teams, gymnastics and dance teams, Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts, and even our family. We will be spending more time the next few weeks to learn more about our families.
In math, we began a new unit. We have been working on finding the partners and the total, by counting up all of our circles from our circle drawing and then writing an additional equation. We talked about how the equal sign goes in the equation to show that the addition number sentence is true. So for example 7+2=9, would be a true addition sentence, since 7 plus 2, does equal 9. 8+1=10, would be not equal, since 8 plus 1 equals 9.
In Wilson’s Fundations, we have continued to work on tapping out the beginning, middle, and ending sounds to a word. We have also learned two trick words: the and of. These words we cannot tap out, so they are on the word wall for us to use. We have also worked on sentence dictation, where I say a sentence and they repeat it. Then we work on tapping out each word and make sure to include a capital at the beginning of the sentence and put a period at the end.
In reading, we worked on a T-chart with expectations for readers in first grade. We found out that Readers can read to a friend, can read independently, can ask for help, and can use strategies to figure out tricky words. Reader have to sound out words, have to practice, have book, and have strategies. We also found out readers are always reading, are good listeners, are better writers, and are smart! Each student also made their own reading goals for the year that they are going to work towards. We will have these goals hanging up in our classroom all year long as a reminder. We also focused on the words the, on, it, me and of. Once we have gone over the words, they are expected to spell these words correctly in their writing and be able to read them.
In writing, we worked on revising, editing and publishing our first stories for very first writing celebration. All of the students have worked so hard to become better writers our first 25 days of school. We worked on adding more details to our story and checked it over to make sure we used correct spacing, capitals at beginning of sentences, “I” by itself, and for proper nouns, and had periods at the end of complete thoughts. I will have your child’s first published story to share with you at Open House this Thursday at 5:00.
Important information:
- Scholastic News- If you have not paid your $5.00 for Scholastic News, please turn it in by Friday. I will be turning this money in next week and I will need to see how much more money needs to be collected for our class. Thanks so much with your help with this.
- Scholastic Book Order- Our first order forms went home last week. This is a great way to purchase books for your child at a discounted price. I have now set it up so you can order everything on line if you would prefer. You go to and our class activation code is G229M. Please let me know if you need help with any of this!
Important dates for your calendar:
- Thursday, August 18th- Open House Tracks 1 and 3 are 5:00 to 6:00 and Tracks 2 and 4 are 6:00 to 7:00
- Friday, August 19th- Early Release at 1:15
- Saturday, August 20th- Kailey Sanchez-Vega’s birthday
- Tuesday, August 23rd- Scholastic order due
- Monday, September 5th- Labor Day- NO SCHOOL!
- Tuesday, September 13th- Track Out till October 3rd
*Wish List
- Magnetic Tape
- Mr. Clean Dry Erase sponge
-Happy meal toys or any old toys for the Treasure chest
-Magnetic Letters