-Reading- This week we read a lot of stories about spring. Now that the weather is nice and we tracked back in, we hit the ground running. We read about spring and the weather it brings, eggs, Easter, and of course April Fool’s Day!
-Science- We started a new unit on Organisms, and we will be learning about living things! We discussed things that living organisms have to have: sunlight, water, food, and space. We then used our sense of smell, hearing, touch, and sight to observe four seeds. We observed a pea seed, a kidney bean seed, a sunflower seed, and a pumpkin seed. We also planted our seeds and will do daily observations to see how our seed changes. Ask your child which seed they planted!
-Math- This week we began working on telling time. We really focused on being able to tell time to the hour, where the longer, minute hand is on the 12. We also worked on telling time to the half hour. Since there are 60 minutes in an hour, we know that if it is 6:30, the hour hand needs to be half way between the 6 and the 7, since it is half way to 7:00. We have two songs that we sing every day to help us learn telling time. Have your child share these two songs with you!
-Wilson Fundations- We finished up our unit where we were learning about closed syllable words where we tap out 4 sounds. In order for a word to be closed syllable there are some rules: 1. There is only one vowel, 2. The vowel must be a short vowel, 3. The word is only 1 syllable, 4. There must be at least one consonant after the vowel. An example of a closed syllable word is: melt. To mark this word up, we would put the breve over the short e; put a swoop under a word, followed with a lowercase c. Have your child how to mark up the word melt.
Important Information:
- Spring Pictures- We will be having pictures on April 10th at 11:25. If interested in purchasing a class picture those need to be bought ahead of time. It is one class picture for $10.00. Individual pictures do not need to be purchases now. But if you would like a specific pose for your child, please turn that information into me before April 10th.