About Me

My name is Christie Bethel and I graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. I have been teaching at Banks Road Elementary since it opened up in 2009. My current teaching experience includes teaching first grade at Willow Springs Elementary and 2nd grade at Lillington Shawtown Elementary. I am a Fuquay native, but now call Apex home. I love animals, especially my cat Bootsie and my parent's yellow lab Lucy. I completed my first half-marathon in April 2011. So when I'm not at school, you will find me at the gym or on a trail running or playing soccer with my friends. I was honored to be selected as Banks Road Elementary's Teacher of the Year for 2013-2014.

Meet our class!

Meet our class!

Class Schedule

8:45 to 9:15- Morning work, breakfast, and bathroom
9:15 to 9:25- Read Aloud/Calendar
9:30 to 10:15- Specials
10:20 to to 11:00- Writer's Workshop
11:05 to 11:30- Lunch- table 1
11:35 to 12:35- Math
12:40 to 1:00- Team Time
1:00 to 1:30- Recess
1:30 to 1:40- Snack/Restroom/Read Aloud
1:40 to 2:10- Science and Social Studies
2:10 to 3:35- Daily 5
3:40- Dismissal

Important Dates

- Friday, November 22nd- Jason Knowles’ birthday
- Wednesday, November 27th- Book-It! due for the month of November
- Thursday, November 28th- Thanksgiving- No School!
- Friday, November 29th- No School!
- Monday, December 2nd- Ansley Ayers' Birthday
- Wednesday, December 4th- Track out day

-Monday, December 16th- Hank Gozy's birthday
- Friday, December 27th- Will Poplin's birthday

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Support the PTA through online Shopping!!1

Will you be doing any online shopping for the holidays? If so, you can help raise free money for Banks Road Elementary PTA by shopping at Amazon.com through the Fund Your PTA program! Amazon will send Banks Road Elementary PTA a check for 6% of all money spent at Amazon.com (4% on electronics) through the special link below... http://www.fundyourpta.org/banksroades.php. If you ever misplace the link, you can visit the online version of our October/November newsletter on the PTA web site at http://banksroadpta.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/october-2013-newsletter.pdf - the Fund Your PTA link is on Page 6. You can also earn electronic Box Tops for Banks Road by shopping through the Box Tops Marketplace at https://www.boxtops4education.com/marketplace. There are over 400 online retailers listed in the marketplace, and for every purchase, eBoxTops are electronically credited to our school. Thank you for supporting the PTA!

Another Exciting Art Residency Coming To Banks Road—

Another Exciting Art Residency Coming To Banks Road— During this year’s Artist in Residency, every student at Banks Road will get to experience working with a professional artist during their art special. January 21st through 28th we will be hosting the environmental artist Bryant Holsenbeck. The students will participate in her “Weaving Like a Bird” residency where they will use recycled materials, string, yarn, old sheets etc to weave a wall sculpture that will be installed in the school. We need everyone’s help collecting fabric for us to use in our artwork! Please send in scrap fabric, old sheets or curtains, ribbons, and yarn! The more colorful, the better! If you would like to contribute but don’t have these things lying around, gift cards to fabric stores like Joanne’s Fabric would be very helpful and much appreciated as well. Also, keep a look out for information on ways to volunteer to help with this residency. Our art teacher, Ms. Stephenson, will collect all contributions. Please send in contributions through your child or bring them in to the office with Attn: Ms. Stephenson. She will begin accepting them immediately. Thank you for your support of Banks Road Visual Arts! For more information about Bryant Holsenbeck’s Residencies check out her web page at: http://www.bryantholsenbeck.com/weave.html Contact Ms. Stephenson with any questions- mstephenson@wcpss.net