In math, we have been working on odd and even numbers. We have also been working on finding equal partners for even numbers. For example, 8 can have equal partners because it can have the partners of 4 and 4. But 7 and 9 cannot have equal partners. We have also been working on finding 1 more, 2 more, 1 less, and 2 less than a number between 0 and 20.
In Daily 5, we began building our stamina for read to self and work on writing. We made an “I-chart” for each of these rotations and have talked about what the expectations are for students and for the teacher during this time. We started with 3 minutes for each of these rotations and have built our stamina up to 10 minutes so far. Our overall goal is to be able to work independently for 20 minutes.
In writing, we have been focusing on stretching out words and writing down the sounds they hear. This is a great tool to use for homework too. As the year goes on, we will learn more about phonemic rules and our spelling will improve, but this is a great tool to always use. The last thing I want a student to do is stay stuck on a word.
We started a phonics based program called “Letterland”. Last week, we learned the letters a, b, c, d, f, h, l, m, n, p, r, s, and t. We learned the “character” that goes with each letter and the motion for each letter. Ask your child about these letters and their characters name and their motion.
Important information:
- Checking Out-If parents need to check students out of school early for an appointment, the student must be checked out in the office by 3:00 p.m. The office will be closed at 3:00 p.m. each day for student check out. The reason for this procedure is student safety. In case of an emergency, parents may call the office at 890-7333. A staff member will return your call if necessary. We discourage early check outs and late arrivals but understand that they may happen a few times each year.
- Lunch Time Visitors Information Parents are always welcome at Banks Road Elementary to enjoy lunch with their children. While visiting at lunchtime, we ask that all visitors observe the following guidelines:
1. Sign-in at the office and wear your Visitor’s Badge in a prominent and visible location;
2. Meet your child in the cafeteria when he/she arrives with his/her class, please do not walk to the classroom;
3. Sit at the Visitor’s Table with your child only (for safety and security, students are not permitted to invite friends to eat with them);
4. Allow your child to return to class when his/her teacher arrives to pick up the class; and
5. Check-out at the office after lunch, remove badge, and place in trash before exiting the office.
Banks Road Elementary and Child Nutrition Services encourage healthy lifestyles and healthy food choices. Parents may bring in outside food and drink for their child, but may not bring lunch for another child.
-Please continue to bring bus tags back. Students need to bring those back for 10 more school day. Thanks!
- It is hot outside!!!! It might be a good idea to send a reusable water bottle to school with your child so they can take it out to recess with them.