About Me

My name is Christie Bethel and I graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. I have been teaching at Banks Road Elementary since it opened up in 2009. My current teaching experience includes teaching first grade at Willow Springs Elementary and 2nd grade at Lillington Shawtown Elementary. I am a Fuquay native, but now call Apex home. I love animals, especially my cat Bootsie and my parent's yellow lab Lucy. I completed my first half-marathon in April 2011. So when I'm not at school, you will find me at the gym or on a trail running or playing soccer with my friends. I was honored to be selected as Banks Road Elementary's Teacher of the Year for 2013-2014.

Meet our class!

Meet our class!

Class Schedule

8:45 to 9:15- Morning work, breakfast, and bathroom
9:15 to 9:25- Read Aloud/Calendar
9:30 to 10:15- Specials
10:20 to to 11:00- Writer's Workshop
11:05 to 11:30- Lunch- table 1
11:35 to 12:35- Math
12:40 to 1:00- Team Time
1:00 to 1:30- Recess
1:30 to 1:40- Snack/Restroom/Read Aloud
1:40 to 2:10- Science and Social Studies
2:10 to 3:35- Daily 5
3:40- Dismissal

Important Dates

- Friday, November 22nd- Jason Knowles’ birthday
- Wednesday, November 27th- Book-It! due for the month of November
- Thursday, November 28th- Thanksgiving- No School!
- Friday, November 29th- No School!
- Monday, December 2nd- Ansley Ayers' Birthday
- Wednesday, December 4th- Track out day

-Monday, December 16th- Hank Gozy's birthday
- Friday, December 27th- Will Poplin's birthday

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Welcome to Miss Bethel's class!!!!! Newsletter volume 1

Welcome to First Grade! We had a very successful first day of school!  We settled into the classroom and all the boys and girls were such great listeners as we discussed the many routines and procedures that will be a part of each school day.  This week will be coming up with our class rules and appropriate rewards and consequences for our actions.
-      Student homework for the week, will go home today, the 8th.  There are two assignments, the first will be due Wednesday, which is their favorite book, and the second is a drawing of where in the house they will do their weekly reading homework. That will be due on Friday.  There is a yellow sheet with more information pertaining to this week’s homework coming home in the green homework folder today.
-      Each week there will be a new Home-School Connection that stays in the green Homework folders.  I will write any comments, praises, or concerns on that days box.  So make sure you check it daily and initial the box. Please leave that sheet in the folder.  I will take them out on the following Monday when the new sheet goes in.
-      There will be a monthly behavior calendar that will stay in the left hand side of the homework folder. Please see the calendar for daily behavior updates and initial the box every day. I will take this out after the month is over. 
-      In an effort to save paper and copies this year, I will be sending home many newsletters and weekly updates via the class blog.  It can be found at: http://missbethelsfirstgradeclassroom.blogspot.com/ and also on the magnet that came home on Meet the Teacher.  If I do not have your email please send it to school with your child or in an email to cbethel@wcpss.net so I can add you to the list.  If you do not have access to a computer please let me know and I will send hard copies home in the Homework folder. I will always send homework in folders and post on the blog as well.
Important information and clarifications:
-      We will have lunch from 11:05 to 11:30 for the entire school year. (Early Release lunch time will be at the same time.) Recess will be from 1:00 to 1:30.  Our specials for the year are as followed: Monday is Media/Technology, Tuesday is Art, Wednesday is PE, Thursday is Music, and Friday is Media/Technology.  Media will be on Mondays and Fridays the 1st and 3rd quarter and Technology will be on Monday and Fridays the 2nd and 4th quarters (for the first 3 weeks of the quarter). Then the last 6 weeks of the quarter will be Media on Mondays and Technology on Fridays.
-      Each day, students will have the opportunity to have a snack time. I will not provide snacks. If you so wish, please provide a healthy snack and drink for your child daily. We will not have snack time on Early Release days.
-      Volunteering- I will love to have volunteers come and help out in the classroom.  I just ask that you give us the first few weeks of school to get our procedures and routines learned and kinks worked out.  I will be sending sheets home about things you would be interested to volunteer to do in the classroom.  Be on the lookout for this sheet soon!

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